Fugees the score songs
Fugees the score songs

fugees the score songs

If you’re a casual pop consumer you may not have heard the crew’s two official singles, “Fu-Gee-La” and “Ready or Not,” but you couldn’t escape the covers of Bob Marley’s “No Woman No Cry” and Roberta Flack’s “Killing Me Softly” if you lived in Greenland. All over the radio, the Fugees are inescapable. The buzz started with hard-core rap fans, but it has been sustained by devotees of nearly everything else. Out on the street, this apparent contradiction is only reinforced by the group’s ability to breach markets normally considered mutually exclusive.

fugees the score songs

Rap magazines give the Fugees props for standing tough and taking on the problems of the street with fresh ideas and hard skills, while mainstream giants from Time to the New York Times praise them for leaving behind the gangsta poses that signal “the street” to most outsiders. The group has sustained this amazing success through an equally amazing achievement: being all things to all people.

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In its second week, the album zoomed into Billboard’s top five on both the pop and R & B charts as we pass through the second full month of summer, it has slipped to number six in R & B but hasn’t budged in pop.

fugees the score songs

Half a year ago, the Fugees were an obscure hip-hop trio from New Jersey with a two-year-old debut album that had gone almost nowhere and a perpetually budding reputation among hip-hop heads for great live shows that included “real instruments.” Then, on the second Tuesday in February, Columbia/Ruffhouse Records released the group’s second album, The Score. Sommelier Series (paid sponsored content).

Fugees the score songs